Team Teaching & Preceptor Support Mapping

In July 2022, the ISU successfully applied to the Strategic Investment Fund (UBC). This grant was focused on adapting and refining tools to support preceptor resilience and teaching in team-based care, in partnership with the Department of Family Practice and the Team-based Primary Care Learning Centres project.

Through this project the ISU developed two tools, one for use at residency training sites and one for use at learning centres:

Preceptor Support Mapping (PSM)

A facilitated workshop for a residency training site or local medical program support team to explore and decide on local solutions to enhance meaningful supports for preceptors. The goals of Preceptor Support Mapping are to:

  • Uncover gaps in preceptor support
  • Enhance the resilience and adaptive capacity of preceptors
  • Generate feasible solutions and new ideas to enhance preceptor support

Team Teaching Mapping (TTM)

A facilitated workshop for teams at a learning centre to clarify roles, tasks, and coordination of teaching and learning activities across a team. The goals of Team Teaching Mapping are to:

  • Build relationships and develop understanding of core inter-professional competencies among team members
  • Bring team members and stakeholders onto the same page to support team-based care
  • Encourage teams to think about how to work together to support patients
  • Focus on teaching and learning activities within the team

How Can Team-Teaching Mapping Benefit Your Clinic?

Team-based care is complex, and creating an appropriate and effective team is a continuous process. Team-Teaching Mapping helps clinical teams at all stages of development (conceptual, forming, established) to better understand how they can structure their team to meet the needs of their patient populations, optimizing the skills and scopes of each team member.

How Can Preceptor-Support Mapping Benefit Your Residency Site?

Preceptor-support mapping engages both resident site faculty and community preceptors through reflective prompts and facilitating dialogue about supporting preceptors. By sketching out existing support systems and current challenges, new ideas for bridging those gaps are generated to help inform future site service planning.


If you are interested in learning more, please contact