We developed the Team Mapping Method to help teams (e.g. clinical teams, Patient Medical Homes, Primary Care Networks) explore ways to improve how they work together. Participants will leave a Team Mapping workshop with a stronger sense of cohesion, a better understanding of their colleagues and their work, and some ideas to help their team continue to improve how they work together.
How can Team Mapping benefit teams?
- Team Mapping prompts conversations about how to better collaborate, communicate, share work, support continuity of care, make decisions, and work together.
- Team Mapping puts the patient at the centre of care, as a member of the team. Discussions and decisions about how to work together can be rooted in a patient-centered conversation.
- Team Mapping can help teams practice to their full scope! Through patient personas, Team Mapping workshops encouraging discussion on roles, areas of practice, additional support or learning needed, and uncovers things that individuals might really love to do!
- Team Mapping can help find areas of teamwork that need some attention. Your team might have ideas or suggestions about how to do something differently or how to redesign a way of working that needs improvement. Team Mapping is a tool that can support those conversations.
- Team Mapping can help new teams by building a good foundation for working together. It is also incredibly helpful as a tool when you add someone new to a team. Team Mapping encourages providers and stakeholders to consider the new scope of a new team and how that team could work together to support patients.
- Team mapping also builds relationships and team coherence – the ability to communicate well and function collaboratively. Finding the time to build relationships in the context of a busy practice can be difficult, and Team Mapping helps!
I want to do some Team Mapping! What next?
We would love to help! Do you want to run Team mapping yourself? We offer training in Team Mapping a few times a year and invite anyone interested in being trained to join our Training Registry. You can also take Team Mapping training asynchronously through our NEW self-paced, 2-3 hour Team Mapping Canvas Course!
If you are hoping for a trained facilitator to run a workshop with your team, we can do that too! If you are already connected to a Team-Based Care Coach via the Practice Support Program (PSP) we recommend starting there as all TBC Coaches are trained in Team Mapping. We can also support planning, preparation and facilitation of Team Mapping – please contact isu@familymed.ubc.ca for more information.
Team Mapping Adaptations
Recently, successful adaptations of Team Mapping we have piloted include:
- To explore service gaps with the Vancouver Coastal Health Surgery IPUs.
- To support Team Teaching and Preceptor Support in teaching clinics, which you can read more about here.
- Our Facilitator Toolkit is complete with links to all the materials you need for Team Mapping, including a fully searchable persona library.
- Our Miro Template for team mapping includes map templates and the intro slide deck facilitators can use to orient participants to sessions.
- Canvas course?
- New to Team Mapping? Register to hear about upcoming training opportunities here!
- Publication: Price M, Bellwood P, Hill TT, Fletcher S. Team Mapping: A Novel Method to Help Community Primary Healthcare Practices Transition to Team-Based Care. Healthcare Quarterly. 2020 Jan;22(4):33-39. doi: 10.12927/hcq.2020.26086. PMID: 32073389.