COVID-Specific Care

Able to do Virtually

RNs can assess patients prior to any face-to face visit to assess symptoms that may be potentially COVID symptoms. We do not expect that RNs would do the standard pre-screening as this would be a standard check list that could be performed by office assistants.

We expect an increasing need for COVID specific care in the fall / winter or 2020. RNs can provide a range of COVID specific care, including: education for infection prevention, screening of symptoms, referrals to community testing and when to be assessed in person all of which can be completed virtually for many people.

RNs can setup and manage a clinic-wide program proactively reach out to higher risk patients to develop person-centred plans for reducing exposure risk (e.g. physical distancing, having a mask, able to access medications and groceries, etc.)

RNs can also connect virtually with patients who may be more at risk of indirect effects of the global pandemic due to economic loss, isolation, etc.

Able to Do Virtually with Modifications

RNs can assess for signs and symptoms of COVID virtually, but some physical assessment would require in-person assessment (which may be provided at a specific site in your community).

Able to do Virtually

RNs can manage follow up with any patients who have results pending for COVID screening or who have tested positive. Virtual visits would ensure that patients feel supported while isolating, have the encouragement to continue to isolate, and have the resources needed to do so (e.g. food, letters for work, etc.).

Also, RNs would be able to virtually monitor for change in symptoms and progression that may require in person assessment at a facility.

Able to Do Virtually with Modifications

Some patients may have at home assessment tools that could inform the consultation, but should be considered supplemental to the clinical assessment.

Not Able to Do Virtually

Physical assessment would have to be done in person. If assessment is needed, consider the current protocols in your area for follow up (e.g. is there a COVID team that follows in person, do you have correct PPE, etc.).

Able to do Virtually

RNs can engage patients who are at highest risk for COVID complications (hospital, ICU, death) before they contract the illness. This would include reviewing common, evidence-based public health practices with a patient and helping them tailor the recommendations to their personal circumstances.

A checklist is available: COVID19-High Risk for Complications.

Able to do Virtually

An RN can reach out to patients at risk for worsening mental health status due to the social and economic effects of COVID-19 public health measures. This includes checking in virtually to assess mood, anxiety, sleep, etc.

A check list is available. COVID19-Mental Health Check

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Triage and Assessment

Health Education

Health Promotion & Disease/Injury Prevention

Chronic Disease Management

Care Coordination

<COVID-Specific Care


Able to do Virtually
Able to do either on phone or video with reasonable confidence that for most clients you would achieve similar quality of care.

Able to Do Virtually with Modifications
There may be limitations to performing the task virtually. Video may be preferable to phone or significant modifications are required that limit the quality of care.

Not Able to Do Virtually
Not able to perform task virtually. May require in-person assessment or intervention.

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