Able to do Virtually
A range of virtual health individual education visits can be offered, addressing issues across the lifespan. While these are well suited to being virtual, it will be important to assess access and skills related to technology to best determine how to provide education. Some education may require illustration, sharing of handouts (which may be limited for some patients virtually), and some may require patient to perform actions (e.g. breastfeeding latch).
Able to Do Virtually with Modifications
Some education may require illustration, sharing of handouts, etc. This may be limited for some patients virtually and it would be important to look at options for sharing materials with patients (email, weblinks, PDF) and which are preferred by the patient.
Not Able to Do Virtually
Some education may require patient to perform actions (e.g. breastfeeding latch) and get feedback and could be difficult to do virtually.
Able to do Virtually
Group education programs can be done virtually. Depending on your practice’s needs, these could be targeted support health promotion, wellness, or specific conditions such as diabetes, COPD, prenatal, breastfeeding, etc. Some people may feel less comfortable doing group virtually while others may feel more comfortable.
VIDEO MAY HELP: These would generally be enhanced by using a group video option, but may limit which patients can attend.
<Health Education
Health Promotion & Disease/Injury Prevention
Able to do Virtually
Able to do either on phone or video with reasonable confidence that for most clients you would achieve similar quality of care.
Able to Do Virtually with Modifications
There may be limitations to performing the task virtually. Video may be preferable to phone or significant modifications are required that limit the quality of care.
Not Able to Do Virtually
Not able to perform task virtually. May require in-person assessment or intervention.